
User Approval

We inform you that we’re not admins of these groups so you agree that you join these groups on your own responsibility. We don’t have any control on these groups and their activities. You have to check their status after joining for your satisfaction.

Group Content

We don’t have an idea about group content but it depends on your interest like which category of group you join you’ll get content about that only. Whereas, the admins share information or whom they allow within groups so you just follow group rules.

User_Shared Information

At our site tglinkhub.com any user can share group links easily but we don’t know that links are valid or not. So, after joining  if you find any trouble in groups you can inform us. Because we have the authority to remove the links from our site.

Group Authority

You must know that only the group administrators have full control over these groups so they can maintain group activities and group content as well. User can’t share content without the permission of group admins.

Report Illegal Content

If you find any illegal content or information within the groups you can complain to the group admins. They will take action as soon as possible about offensive content or provider .Moreover, you can also inform us for that group links we’ll delete directly.

Update the Group Volume

At [email protected] we’re daily updating  group links through adding various categories of new links  and deleting the useless links. So, you should check the validity of groups without any issue.